Volume I - Chapter 2 Summary.
Inside the shadows of bushes and wells, the darkness in this world is the entrance to that world. Let's go to the monster's world. In the interval between this world and that world. Humans who seek for darkness, unexpectedly lost here... The world connecting the two worlds, this is The Netherworld.
Nanami dreamed of a boy being offered of a sasamochi by a woman named 'Yukiji'. She was awoken and remembered her plan to leave the shrine that day. But the twin spirits of the shrine, Onikiri and Kotetsu, are restraining her to leave. If she left, the shrine will be emptied widthout a god. So they wanted her to stay. Yet, Nanami doesnt want Tomoe to leave as well. As decided she will leave but she wanted to apologize to Tomoe before she leave. The twins accompanied her to the underworld. A dark world where spirits, demons, and all other creatures that you may find unusual in the normal world. The Netherworld.
There they found Tomoe luring himself with young ladies in broad daylight in the red street. And the twins were in rage and telling him to go back to the shrine before it breaks down. And it may hurt Mikage-sama once he heard about it. Yet Tomoe declined and doesnt care about the shrine anymore. Having said he doesnt have any business with it. Instead he will indulge in lust everyday. Nanami overheard what he said. And the twins added that they bring Nanami along with them to personally apologize that made Tomoe shocked. Yet, Nanami said she doesnt have anything to say. Tomoe jolted up and hurriedly dressing up. Shouting at the twins, telling them why would anyone bring a human in their world. Worse, she's a land god.
Nanami just went out angrily having seen a lecherous fox.
Nanami didint notice that the world was full of demons and bad spirits. To her surprise, she was attacked by them. Good thing Tomoe was there. She grabbed her away from them. Telling her to go back where humans should be. Again to his surprise, Nanami slapped his face and scolding him that he should be the one going home because the shrine is too important for him to abandon it easily. Yet, Tomoe arguid that Nanami act so cheeky and full of herself that she can't even protect herself as well. They began to quarrel about everything. Onikiri and Kotetsu was just there staring at them. Nanami asked them if they were going back already. Tomoe ordered them to bring her back. Tomoe and Nanami just can't get along for their first meeting. As soon as they went back, she checked for her bus which she was late. And had to wait for two more hours for the next one. Onikiri and Kotetsu really wanted her to stay and so they advised her to make a contract with him. He will absolutely obey her. Nanami enlightened having said that with a scary faced girl having such an advantage. 'Pretty cool, huh'... But there is something you should do first to make him her familiar. And that is, she should just KISS him. Sounds easy yet for Nanami who quarreled with him a while ago isn't. The twins noticed that Nanami was gone and scared off. Trying to make her do such thing. Nanami was aware that she couldn't escape from them while waiting for the bus. So, she should walk instead. Yet, an old woman having a heavy load at her back wanted help from her.
So she helped her carried her load and went to the old woman's house. Nanami seems to be getting along with the woman and unnoticed the time. So she wanted to be excused but the old woman insisted her to stay for while she has nowhere to stay for awhile. Nanami agreed for being so grateful. The old woman noticed her mark in her forehead that made her anxious. On the other hand, the Kotetsu went to Tomoe hurriedly. Telling him that Nanami disappeared but hell he care about her. Serves her right for being full of herself. Yet, he could help her if she could say 'Please forgive me for being so stupid, Tomoe-sama'. Then he'll go save her. While Onikiri went to find Nanami, then he have learned that she was staying in a witch's den.
Continuation on next Chapter :)